best of both worlds.  soft plastic teeth (not wire)
and 3" tall (the longer 4"are fine for some but don't curve as much to the shape of a smaller head.)
The plastic teeth in the 4" one I sell in another listing are firmer in texture. 
This softer plastic teeth is more flexible like the 20 tine well made wire ones.


If you are not used to these double combs I would suggest the weave or the net style.
The twist is shown in the 2nd photo with the right way to wear it on top.... & the untwisted way on the bottom.
If you have a huge amount of hair you might get away with wearing this untwisted.  

What you need to remember is to fold the combs under designed part positioned so the combs form a little arch or bridge.... NOT a bowl curving upwards.  In this correct position it is EASY to slip in your hair.  With the weave & net style there is only 1 way that works! But once you start wearing these it's really no problem & the twists ARE attractive.