The effect of improved exercise capacity is felt IMMEDIATELY.
Try it against the competition and feel the differences for yourself.

 Many people are magnesium deficient . Therefore, supplemental magnesium is an important part of athlete's nutritional program. 
However, the type of magnesium consumed is important, as some forms can cause gastric discomfort or diarrhea. 
Deficiency of magnesium may make you feel tired and low in energy.
 Magnox Sport Plus ensures the nutritional complement of magnesium in its perfect way.
 Magnox Sport Plus composed of: Magnox – a patented(32) molecule of a highly refined basic Magnesium from the Dead Sea in Israel (which is well known for its health benefits), 
Vitamin B6, which maximizes the absorption rate of magnesium. 
Vitamin D, which is essential to building strong dense bones. 
Vitamin E, which is recognized as having an alleviating effect in blood circulation and muscles recovery, acting in synergy with magnesium 
Zinc - build muscle strength and improves stamina. 
Magnox Sport Plus is placed in a fast acting, pure grade proprietary formulation. 
It is one hundred percent food grade, formulated to be "digestion neutral". 
It is 100% free of additives, salt, sugar, preservatives, artificial colors, yeast, wheat, gluten, animal products, corn, milk and soy products. It has no equal. You could take 2 or 3 standard magnesium pills and not come close to Magnox Sport Plus benefits. 
This is compounded it to have features that make it singular, unique, and untouched in speed and effectiveness. 
The best promise is that you will notice the immediate results from the first use with better performance, ability and after sport recovery.