Baby Leaf Mixed Lettuce with Rocket Italian Mix Salad Seeds 2000

Salad Guru Salad Leaf Italian Mix was one of our most popular sellers last season selling over 1900 packets on eBay alone.  is a lettuce-based Salad Leaves blended with wild rocket that capture a taste of Italy without being overpowering.

It contains

Red Batavia, Green Batavia, Lollo Rosso, Little Gem,  Red Salad Bowl, Biscia Rossa, Wild Rocket, Salad Rocket and Napoli Rocket and wild rocket

General Guide to Sowing and Growing Lettuce Seeds

Lettuce need good soil or compost  to grow well, lettuce plants don’t like full sun but enjoy growing in an area which is slightly shaded and away from full sun.

Seeds can be started indoors or outdoors for a regular tasty summer crop;

Harvesting Lettuce

Lettuce are typically fast growers (slower in winter ) and before you know it your lettuce will be ready for harvesting.

Pull the whole plant from the ground and then cut off the root and lower leaves. Making sure you compost the roots and lower leaves.

Salad leaves or baby Leaf :Salad Leaves Start cutting the salad leaves when the plants reach about 10cm (4in) high. Clip the leaves with scissors, and the plants will re-grow and can be trimmed several times. Harvest leaves just before you want to eat them, or store in the fridge in a polythene bag for a couple of days.

Please review the other seeds in our shop, last season 27,000 customers trusted us to deliver quality seeds to them, all good quality from UK Seed merchants that have looked after farmers and nurseries for over 50 years.