Ähnliche Angebote / Similar Items:
Celant, Blessing, Ippolitov
Robert Mapplethorpe and the Classical Tradition
Photographs and Mannerist Prints

Verlag / Publisher: Guggenheim Museum Publications
Erscheinungsjahr / Publication year: 2004
Sprache / Language: $Englisch / English
Medium / Medium: Buch / book
Einband / Cover: gebundene Ausgabe, Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag / hardcover + bookjacket
Seiten / Pages: 208
Maße / Dimensions: 28,5cm x 27,5cm x 2,8cm
Gewicht / Weight: 1700 g
ISBN-10: 0892073136
ISBN-13: 9780892073139
BNr.: 10288

Zustand: originalverpackt
Condition: original sealed

Katalog zur Ausstellung »Robert Mapplethorpe and the Classical Tradition« des Guggenheim Museum New York und der Herimitage Sankt Petersburg. Fotografien von Robert Mapplethorpe mit Beiträgen von Arkady Ippolitov, Jennifer Blessing und Germano Celant. Untersucht wird der Dialog zwischen den Fotografien von Robert Mapplethorpe (1946–1989) und der klassischen Kunst, insbesondere flämischen manieristischen Drucken des späten 16. Jahrhunderts, anhand der Stiche und Holzschnitte von Hendrick Goltzius, Jan Harmensz Müller, Jacob Matham und Jan Saenredam. Text Englisch.
ehemaliger gebundener Buchpreis bei Erscheinen der Ausgabe: 49,90 EUR

Catalogue of the exhibition »Robert Mapplethorpe an the Classical Tradition« organized by the Guggenheim Museum, New York, and the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, and held July 24-Oct. 17, 2004 at Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin.
Essays by Arkady Ippolitov, Jennifer Blessing and Germano Celant.

This sumptuously illustrated catalogue accompanies the major exhibition of the same name at the Guggenheim Museum. Addressing the return to classicism at the end of the 16th, 19th and 20th centuries, Ippolitov discusses the obsession that defines both the work of Mapplethorpe and the Mannerists. Mythological and allegorical themes are explored as well as an examination of the pursuit of the ideal and its ultimate expression - death. Celants text further explores the influence of 16th-century style on Mapplethorpes practice and sensibility, illuminating the artists interest in the study of pure form as well as allegorical imagery. Articulated in both word and image, the catalogue also traces Mapplethorpe s complex relationship to the history of art more broadly, ranging from Neoclassicism to Surrealism, with comparisons to the work of Jacques-Louis David, Antonio Canova, Auguste Rodin, Man Ray, and more. In this light, a third essay by Guggenheim curator Jennifer Blessing traces allegorical representations in the 19th and 20th centuries history of photography, with reference to Mapplethorpes oeuvre. Blessing discusses examples of highly stylized, theatrical and non-naturalistic scenes and portraits, suggesting that these mannered images are determined by the clash between idealistic intent of their makers and the realism of photographic representation.

Fotografie, Fotografen, Retrospektive, Werkschau, Robert Mapplethorpe, Fotograf, Manierismus, Guggenheim, Guggenheim Museum, Ausstellungskatalog, Monografie, photography, photographer, mannerism, catalogue

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