Depending on your choice


Swiss Super Luminova GL C3 X1 + Varnish + Thinner + mixing bowl + oil pin


powder only

Je nach Ihrer Wahl


Swiss Super Luminova GL C3 X1 + Klarlack + Verdünner + Ölnapf mit Deckel + 3x Ölstifte


nur Leuchtpigment


Swiss Super-Luminova pigment performance quality:

Grade X1: High performance quality

Emission colour in the dark:

GL: Green

Colour at day light:

light yellow

 original Produktflaschen sind nur zu Demozwecken

Je nach Wahl (depending on your choice):

DIY SET oder nur Leuchtpigment (DIY KIT or powder only):

1) 0,5g Super Luminova GL C3 X1 + 1g Klarlack (Varnish) (A60) + 1g Verdünner (Thinner) (A61) + 1x mixing bowl + 3x oil pins

2) 0,5g Super Luminova GL C3 X1 + 3g Klarlack (Varnish) (A60) + 3g Verdünner (Thinner) (A61) + 1x mixing bowl + 3x oil pins 

3) 0,5g Super Luminova GL C3 X1 (nur Leuchtpigment (powder only))

4) 1,0g Super Luminova GL C3 X1 + 1g Klarlack (Varnish) (A60) + 1g Verdünner (Thinner) (A61) + 1x mixing bowl + 3x oil pins

5) 1,0g Super Luminova GL C3 X1 + 3g Klarlack (Varnish) (A60) + 3g Verdünner (Thinner) (A61) + 1x mixing bowl + 3x oil pins

6) 1,0g Super Luminova GL C3 X1 (nur Leuchtpigment (powder only))

Gelblich bei Licht, Grün im Dunkeln

(light yellow body color and green glows in the dark)

all superluminova pigments are non radioactive

compare between GL C3 Standard Grade and GL C3 X1:

If sufficient activation by UV- or sunlight has occurred, GL C3 X1 shows a %57 higher performance after 2 hours compared to GL C3 standard quality. After 12 hours, the performance is even 91% higher than GL C3 standard quality.

the values are only calculated indications and can vary due to your specific application.

- Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen -

- Keep out of the reach of children -

A60 is for following Applications:
Hands (general use)
Dots on dials (general use)
Easy application

Technical properties of A60:
Medium drying
Medium viscosity
Medium solids (30%)
Easy delivery ( No dangerous good)

Drying: 4-5 h at RT
60 min. at 60 °C and 45 min. at 80 °C

Das empfohlene Mischverhältnis:

für Zeiger: [Pigmente]1:1[Bindemittel]

bei Indexe auf Zifferblättern [Pigmente]1,5:1[Bindemittel]

Bitte benutzen Sie A61 Verdünner nicht am Anfang sondern nur dann wenn die Mischung beginnt anzutrocknen. (A60: 10 / A61: 1)

The recommended mixing ratio:

for hands: 1:1 pigment and binder is good for easy application

for dials: to get a paste instead and brightest result try 1,5:1 pigment and binder

Please do not use A61 thinner at the beginning but only when the mixture starts to turn dry. (A60: 10 / A61: 1)

!!! Die original Produktflaschen sind nur zu Demozwecken !!!

!!! The original product bottles are for demonstration purposes only !!!


Die Glasflaschen sind mit Hologramm-Etikette versiegelt

!!! Rücknahme der geöffneten Flaschen ist nicht möglich !!! 

Bitte kaufen Sie nur dann wenn Sie mit dieser Bedingung einverstanden sind.

PLEASE NOTE: Because these items are consumable products, any opened or used items cannot be returned!!!
If you have any questions please ask before buying or before you remove the seal !!! Please only buy if you agree with this condition.

Swiss Super-LumiNova®  is the best performing luminous pigment on the world market and the number one choice of the Swiss watch industry. 

Swiss Super-LumiNova® is non-radioactive, REACH compatible, highly temperature resistant and resistant to environmental influences.

It works like a light storage battery, which can be charged umlimited times without any loss of performance over decades. 

It is chargeable with sunlight or artificial light. Mixed with a suitable specific binder, Swiss Super-LumiNova® is applied on dials and hands.

With full sized marks, a full night legibility can be achieved according to ISO 3157.