Fears and 
Phobias CD
& Bonus MP3

 David Lloyd-Hoare BSc(Hons) MBACP(Accred)
Helping You to Help Yourself


Professional and effective audio recordings created by an expert in the field of psychological treatment. You'll be able to listen to true life-changing therapy in the comfort of your own home. 

This is a two in one purchase! In addition to the receiving the CD, I will send you a link to the MP3 version of the same Fear and Phobia treatment so that you can easily listen using your Mobile Phone, Computer, Laptop or Tablet!

Your phobia symptoms are unique to you, but your phobia isn’t. Although it may feel like you're the only one with this fear, you are not alone, and it can be changed.

You may also believe that your particular phobia cannot be cured. Or at least not without months of painful exposure or desensitisation therapy.

You may think that your phobia is the exception to the rule, that you’ve had it for too long, that it is far worse than any therapist can imagine, that they won’t understand how serious or debilitating it is.

Well, there is a cure. And it’s consistently effective with all types of phobia. It works by changing the underlying unconscious patterns that have maintained the phobia.

It’s probably the single most reliable and effective tool in psychotherapy today and is being used more and more as a front-line treatment for Phobias, Fears and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, including trauma caused by accidents, assaults, war and witnessing critical incidents.

This successful
Fears and Phobias treatment is an effective cure for phobias such as:

  • Fear of Driving,
  • Fear of public speaking,
  • Performance anxiety,
  • Fear of flying,
  • Social anxiety,
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
  • Accident Trauma,
  • Fear of dogs,
  • Fear of spiders,
  • Fear of needles
  • and all other fears and phobias
The treatment is a synthesis of the work of hypnotist Milton Erickson, and Gestalt therapy. It was further developed in 1976 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, the founders of Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Further developed by myself after using the therapy for over 20 years, this treatment is my proven version of the Fast Phobia Cure.
Effectively the process re-educates the brain to feel comfortable with the subject or situation that originally caused the phobic or fearful response. 
This treatment is a process whereby dissociation or disconnection from the traumatic memory can finally occur. It allows the sufferer to experience the traumatic memories from a calm and dissociated emotional state. The other part of the mind, the unemotional, rational, thinking mind can then go to work turning the memories into
ordinary, factual, neutral, non-threatening ones. Like the memory of what you had for breakfast.  Then the phobia is de-conditioned......... It's gone.

Recent research by the Human Givens Institute conducted between 2000 and 2002 concerning the effectiveness of the Fears and Phobias treatment, showed the
treatment to be consistently successful. There were dramatic improvements in clients' wellbeing, self esteem and capacity for a more fulfilling life, sustained over time. 

The research showed the treatment to consistently work in one session, although multiple traumas may have needed additional separate sessions.

Clients were able to clearly understand and measure their own increase in wellbeing and decrease in unwelcome symptoms. The most commonly mentioned effects that treatment had on the client' lives were:
  • Increased confidence,
  • No more flashbacks,
  • A more positive mood,
  • The ability to speak about the trauma without triggering alarm or anxiety,
  • No more fear or phobia.

The effective and proven Fears and Phobia treatment is available for you on CD and also as an MP3 download, at a fraction of the cost of a therapy session with a qualified practitioner.

About the Therapist. 

David Lloyd-Hoare BSc(Hons) MABCP (Accredited) T.A. Psychotherapist, Dip Sup. Dip Advanced Counselling. 

I have been working as a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist for over 22 years, having completed five years of training in the theory and clinical application of Transactional Analysis, and achieved a Diploma In Advanced Counselling.
I have been accredited as both a counsellor and psychotherapist with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
I have gained a Diploma In Clinical Supervision, which qualifies me to offer support and guidance to other counsellors and psychotherapists. I have also qualified as a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming. My interest in finding ways to help people achieve positive changes in their life as quickly as possible, has led me to further my studies and qualifications in both hypnotherapy and EMDR (eye movement, desensitisation and reprocessing therapy).

I also work as a psychotherapist with Torbay Social Services and I'm contracted to the NHS (National Health Service) providing their High Intensity Psychosocial Intervention Service for those recovering from Substance Misuse.

About the Overcome Fears and Phobias CD
and MP3 Recordings

All the recordings are written and recorded by David Lloyd-Hoare BSc(Hons), a UK qualified Clinical Psychotherapist, using the latest audio-recording technology.​

You will be gently guided into a state of visualisation. It's important to know that throughout the visualisation you will be in control of yourself at all times and you are always able to stop if you choose to.

This CD and MP3 will assure that you will become fear and phobia free. The treatment will install feelings of calm, along with mental and physical relaxation.

I am only able to accept payments by PayPal

Playing the CD
and Downloading the MP3

Full Instructions will be sent to you about how to make the most of your treatment session. The CD will be sent to you by first class postage so that you can use it immediately with your computer or CD player. Also included with the CD will be instructions about how to download the same treatment session as an MP3 file, 
so that you can easily listen using your Mobile Phone, Computer, Laptop or Tablet !