
Winner of Great Taste and Cafe Life awards, Coffee Truffle tea as the name suggests is a glorious fusion of Puerh tea with coffee beans and creamy chocolate. This was designed to appeal to the many coffee lovers who wanted to switch to tea for health reasons but were unable to find the perfect tea to switch to. With lower amounts of caffeine than coffee and sweet without adding any extra sugar, this has indeed appealed to many as an ideal replacement to coffee as well as normal tea lovers.

According to the Great Taste judges, "This does what it says, on the face of it. As a tea it's soft and rounded, while carrying notes of coffee and chocolate. A 'milennial' tea! This works well within its novel remit."


Black tea, Puh Erh tea, cocoa bits(14%), coffee beans(7,5%), flavouring

How to enjoy this tea

Steep 1 tea pyramid per cup for 3-4 mins in 95-100° C water.

Caffeine content

Approx between 27- 35mg per cup
