Very cute vintage Nia's ancestor figure in the form of a wall plaque.  Nias is the largest of the island groups off Sumatra that are part of North Sumatra province.  Some historians have argued that the local culture as one of the few remaining Megalithic cultures in existence today, due to Nias' relative geographic isolation has created a unique culture. Nias best known for its remarkable diversity of festivals and celebration. The most well known events are War Dances, performed regularly for tourists, and Stone Jumping, a manhood ritual that sees young men leaping over two meter stone towers to their fate.

Ancestors worship is at the core of Nias beliefs and idols play important roles in family’s life.  When people die the family make a sculpture made of wood, called Adu Zatua.  The statue is unveiled on the fourth day after death.  Nias people believed that the spirits of the deceased person were present in the statue (ancestor worship).  All events that occurred within the family were communicated with prayer to the ancestor statues.  Sacrifices to the Adu Zatua were made during important events such as births, weddings and deaths. 

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