Papaver rhoeas - Red Common Field Poppy - Wild Flower 70,000 Seeds

Corn Red Field Poppy Flanders (Papaver Rhoeas) also known as Flanders or Remembrance poppy. You can see it in meadows, roadsides and increasingly in wheat fields with the drop in chemicals used. The flowers are delightful, papery thin and scarlet red and are produced from early summer. Thrives on neglect.

Our seed is the best we can find and its kept stored correctly ready to burst into life .

Every year we sell thousands of packets in Farm shops ,at fetes and fairs they are easy to grow and reliable.

Poppy seed can remain in the soil for decades. If ground is cultivated and the seed moved to the surface they’ll germinate after years lying dormant in the soil. After flowering, avoid deadheading annual poppies to allow them to set seed.

How to Grow 

Most poppies thrive in moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Field poppies and opium tolerate drier, poorer soils than oriental poppies, while Himalayan poppies do best in moist, slightly acidic soils, in partial shade. For most species, deadhead spent blooms to prolong flowering.

Sow poppy seeds directly into your garden in spring or autumn. If you’re planting early in the year, usually between March and May is best, but you’ll have to wait until the following summer for a healthy display. Sow between the end of August and October for more flowers in the first season.Sowing

The seed must be surface sown and can be applied by machine or broadcast by hand. To get an even distribution and avoid running out divide the seed into two or more parts and sow in overlapping sections. Do not incorporate or cover the seed but firm in with a roll, or by treading, to give good soil/seed contact.