
This tree has multiple uses: The fruits (flesh and seeds) have nutritional and curative value. They are rich in protein and the leaves in calcium, iron and magnesium.
We wash with it, as well as the sick and the dead.
The bees are fond of its flowers and this gives us fabulous honey.
The leaves are harvested by hand, air dried and ground into powder.
Odor: sweet, herbaceous, of fresh cut grass like "spinach"
Triterpene glycosides
For hair :
Sidr powder helps wash hair naturally. Cousin of Shikakai, Sidr has the advantage of not allowing hair that has been colored by mixtures containing Indigo and Katam to bleed. It beautifies the hair. Astringent and purifying, it helps relieve itching associated with scalp diseases and fights dandruff.
For use with:
Dandruff: essential oils of Geranium, Cade, Laurel noble, Palmarosa, vegetable oils of bay laurel, Chaulmoogra, Peony powders, Brahmi, Tulsi
Hair wash: Shikakaï, Amla, Rhassoul powders
Instructions for use and advice for use:
During coloring:
It is especially during or after an indigo that it would be interesting. It is either incorporated into the indigo coloring (Egyptian henna + indigo + sidr + olive oil), or used as a mask or shampoo.
In mask:
100g of Sidr, with 2 tablespoons of olive oil or without your choice.
The set should be taken for ½ hour.
In oily macerate, to put on his hair as a sort of mask.
In shampoo:
1 tablespoon of SIDR
Water about 50 ml (until you get the desired texture)
Mix the sidr and the water until you obtain a homogeneous, rather sticky paste.
Apply to wet hair and leave on for 5-10 minutes. A small precision, the mixture that you will prepare must be liquid like a shampoo, do not use tons. Sidr contains saponin, so it has washing properties, you manage to "lather", "wash" your hair. Of course, don't expect it to foam like supermarket shampoo!
Rinse thoroughly, and rinse well, running your hand well through the hair otherwise you risk getting sticky hair. In addition, if there is any product left, the hair takes longer to dry!
Let your hair dry.
Shiny and healthy hair. The sidr prevents disgorging of the indigo. Then, I couldn't say if it prevents the disgorging of other henna, because me in my shower, the greenish appearance of the sidr on rinsing was probably hiding the Sidr. In any case, if you know how to use it well, I find that it gives thickness to the hair and redraws the curls!
For the skin :
Astringent and cleanser, it is used to relieve skin problems. Rich in mucilage and soothing, it calms itching, eczema, psoriasis, boils, pimples, acne, etc.
Instructions for use and advice for use
As a paste or poultice: Make a mixture of hot water and sidr and apply it on the face for 5-10 minutes.
Jujube leaves (sidr) are also used to cleanse the body of the late Muslim and put it in the sheets around it.
It is very good for the face, against acne pimples because it deeply hydrates the face and softens the face, against wrinkles.