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What is bee pollen?
Bee pollen is made by bees to feed the young bees in the colony. But bee pollen is also one of the most nutritious natural foods there is because it contains almost all the nutrients essential to our body.
The pollen, carefully collected from flower to flower by bees, has a high protein content (it is composed of about 40% protein), free amino acids, vitamins (including vitamins of group B) and folic acid. In short, bee pollen is a complete food with a high content of nutrients that are not found in other foods of animal origin.
Bee pollen is higher in protein than any other food of animal origin. It contains more amino acids than equal weight beef, eggs or cheese. And more than half of its protein is in the form of amino acids. Each pollen granule contains more than 2 million grains of flower pollen. For a teaspoon, that represents more than 2.5 billion grains of flower pollen!

1. Boosts energy and vitality:
Contains such a variety of nutrients, it is an excellent energizer. Thanks to its content of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins of the B group which stimulates your body and fights against fatigue.

2. Relieves skin disorders:
Bee pollen is a homeopathic remedy known to treat skin inflammation and irritation, such as psoriasis and eczema. The amino acids and vitamins in pollen protect the epidermis and stimulate the regeneration of skin cells.

3. Avoids asthma problems:
Bee pollen has powerful antioxidant properties. Therefore, it can be used to prevent the onset of asthma symptoms as it reduces inflammation of the lung tissue.

4. Relieves seasonal allergies:
Bee pollen lowers histamine levels in your body, which relieves most seasonal allergies. According to a study, 94% of patients with seasonal allergies no longer had any symptoms following treatment for the ingestion of bee pollen. These patients were completely cured of their asthma, allergy and sinus problems - results that underscore the remarkable effectiveness of bee pollen in respiratory disorders.

5. Facilitates digestion:
In addition to its high content of essential vitamins, minerals and proteins, bee pollen also contains enzymes that can aid your digestion. These enzymes help your body absorb all the nutrients from your diet.

6. Stimulates the immune system:

Beneficial to the intestinal flora, bee pollen also regulates your immune system. Pollen has properties similar to antibiotics and protects your body from virus attacks. In addition, bee pollen is rich in antioxidants which reduce the oxidation of your cells from free radicals.

7. Treats addictive disorders:

Bee pollen is frequently used to cure addiction problems. In fact, pollen inhibits unhealthy needs and reduces impulses. It is thanks to its inhibitory effects on unhealthy needs that it is believed to also help people with weight problems.

8. Strengthens the cardiovascular system:

It also has a high rutoside content. This natural flavonoid with antioxidant properties strengthens capillaries and blood vessels. In addition, rutoside is an effective treatment for circulatory problems and to regulate high cholesterol levels. It is also a powerful anticoagulant. Rutoside is believed to prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

9. Relieves prostate pain:

Thanks to bee pollen, men suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia can be relieved by taking pollen. Pollen naturally helps reduce inflammation of the prostate and decrease the urge to urinate.

10. Fights infertility problems:

Bee pollen stimulates and restores the function of the ovaries. Hence, it is highly advised to help women get pregnant. In addition, pollen also stimulates the production of hormones and it is also an excellent aphrodisiac!

How to consume pollen?

Bee pollen is a food that acts faster and more efficiently when ingested during a meal, especially with fruit. Thus, bee pollen gently purges the intestinal flora. Take 1 teaspoon of bee pollen for breakfast, along with a piece of fruit. Why with a fruit?