Categories Keysmed Ovulation Test Strips (LH), 25 Tests
    If you are trying to conceive, Keysmed Ovulation Tests represents an excellent value on the highest quality ovulation test strip available. They are FDA-approved, highly sensitive (detecting a level of 25 mIU/ml LH), and provide a high degree of accuracy in pinpointing your most fertile time of the month. Ovulation Test Strips work by allowing you to detect your monthly "LH Surge" - the dramatic increase in Luteinizing Hormone present in your urine just before you ovulate. Since the best time for fertilization of your egg to occur is within 6-24 hours after you ovulate, correctly gauging your body's cycle is extremely helpful in increasing your chances of becoming pregnant.
  • Allows you to easily identify your "LH Surge" .
  • Earliest detection with greatest sensitivity.
  • Quick and Reliable Result: Dip the test in urine for 3 seconds and read the result in 5 minutes.
  • Each strip is packed in individual pouch for easy carry and sanitary.
  • FDA Approved - All tests have FDA/CE/FSC approved give you the peace of mind.