Sequential Control Module,

14+14 Channels

14 Channel Color A (typically White or Red)

14 Channel Color B (typically Yellow/Amber)

GND power/control Ver 2.00 | each

300mA per channel MAX

Please search 'CorsoMotion FlyRyde' on YouTube for instruction, thank you.

Thank you for purchasing CorsoMotion’s LED sequential modules Ver2.00. With a very easy DIP switch function selector, you can choose functions from popular sequential motions.

These LED sequential modules are designed to work with our ‘Custom Made Boards’ however, if you use less than 300mA per channel, other LED setups should be fine.

These LED sequential modules require 12v car power and ground to operate. The input voltage for these modules is 12v car power and the outputs to control the LEDs operate on the ground.