Beautiful rose gold bracelet
Rose quartz - Pink Aventurine - Smoke quartz
One of the most powerful fertility stone 🌸🌸 Aventurine is also associated with the heart chakra, providing comforting, soothing energy and protecting our hearts throughout the intense emotional highs and lows all too common while trying to conceive, and later, throughout pregnancy and those fragile first days of motherhood.
Rose Quartz fills the body with loving energy, encouraging us to unconditionally love ourselves and those around us. It also helps strengthen the bond between mother and unborn child.
Smoky Quartz is a crystal representing our connection to Mother Earth, the chthonic energies lying in the lower worlds, and the transmutation of negative energies back into positive ones. Smoky Quartz can effectively remove negative spirits or energies from patients’ auric fields through the use of grounding techniques or by placing directly on the body.
A perfect Balance ☮️🕉️⚛️