Tiltes in thi set 
Dance Upon the air
Face the Fire
Heaven and the earth
Daring To Dream
Holding The Dream 
Finding The Dream 
The Wishing Well
Saving Willowbrook
Family Connections

Dance Upon the air
When she arrives on the Three Sisters Island, as Nell Channing, it is a place quite literally from her dreams. She meets Mia Devlin by sheer luck – right when Mia’s café loses its cook.

Face the Fire
Sam and Mia starts sleeping together again, but she only allows him back as a bed partner, and nothing else. It frustrates him that she is always blocking herself and her feelings from him

Heaven and the earth
Ripley Todd isn’t like her two coven sisters. She doesn’t embrace the power she has been born with it – she knows the danger it can wreck. Determined to not use it, she is now forced to take another look.

Daring To Dream: Number 1 in series (Dream Trilogy)
Raised together, Kate, Margo, and Laura are as close as real sisters, despite their differing backgrounds. Laura Templeton is the beloved daughter of the wealthy Templetons, Kate

Holding The Dream: Number 2 in series (Dream Trilogy)
Surrounded by the sweeping cliffs and beauty of Big Sur, California, Kate Powell treasures her life at Templeton Houseand the family who raised her like one of their own.

Finding The Dream: Number 3 in series (Dream Trilogy)
With her best friends, Margo and Kate, recently married and starting their own families, Laura feels isolated. Then her brother's friend, bad boy Michael, asks to rent her stables and she reluctantly agrees

The Wishing Well
When her unfaithful husband dies in a car crash, Laura decides to leave Australia for her native England to help nurse her ailing mother.

Family Connections
Sorting through her father s papers after his death, Gina Porter discovers evidence of a secret in his past. Though her two daughters make many demands of her, she is determined to leave Australia for England to investigate.

Saving Willowbrook
When Ella discovers that her husband, Miles, is secretly planning to sell the farm her family has owned for hundreds of years, it's the final straw.