NatureGift Black Coffee Plus Ginseng Extract
Instant Black Coffee Plus Ginseng Extract Vitamins & Minerals with Fiber

20 kcal, FAT 0%, Sugar 0% (Use sweetener)
High 17 Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin A - Growth, Vision in poor light, Healthy connective tissue and skin, Support Immune system
Vitamin D - Important for the absorption of calcium from the diet. Formation of bones and teeth
Vitamin E - Acts as antioxidant to protect cells from damage. Function of cell membranes, normal growth and development. Support Immune system
Vitamin K - Important for blood clotting and promotes bone health
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Pantothenic Acid

NatureGift Black Coffee, Vitamins & Minerals you need ALL IN ONE

How to use : Use 1 sachet for a cup of 120 ml. of hot water and stir gently.

Size : 50g. ( 5g.X 10 Sachets)
Brand : NatureGift
Quantity : 10 Boxes
Product of Thailand