
olive oil & argan oil.

Black soap is a real magic product for the skin, originating from Morocco, it is an entirely natural substance, handcrafted in the old way, in the respect of the ancestral traditions.
Derived from the Moroccan tradition, whose virtues have crossed the ages, black soap is prepared with black olives.
Always used in the Arab world, black soap is a natural plant exfoliant whose effectiveness is impressive.
The black soap associated with the action of the scrub, removes all the impurities and the dead cells of your skin. You will find a soft, silky and silky skin.
Black soap comes in the form of a thick scrub paste and a dark color. Made from crushed black olives and potash macerated in salt, black soap is rich in vitamin E and has many virtues for all skin types.
It is non-irritating, eliminates toxins and moisturizes the skin.
By its composition, this soap has the particularity not to foam in contact with water but to turn into a soft and unctuous product.

  - In the shower, apply black soap to wet skin and vigorously scrub the entire body with Kessa glove. Then rinse with warm water.
To have beautiful skin throughout the year, it is advisable to perform a scrub once or twice a week.
  - For the face, apply black soap on your wet skin and avoid contact with the eyes and the edge of the lips.