
100% nettle leaf powder

If leaves, seeds and roots can be used, it is the leaves that are most consumed. A true cocktail of nutrients, nettle is one of the most interesting plants from a nutritional point of view. It is rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, provitamin A, it contains six times more vitamin C than orange.

It is also one of the plants richest in complete proteins (about 8 g/100 g in fresh leaves). Nettle contains 18 amino acids, 8 of which are essential and which the body does not synthesize, making it a protein that is perfectly assimilable by the body in the same way as animal protein.

Its iron concentration is also very interesting, it contains almost twice as much iron as beef, making nettle an ideal food for vegetarians.

With its high content of antioxidants (flavonoids), nettle also boosts our immune defences.

Nettle also contains a high concentration of potassium, calcium (4 times more than yoghurt), zinc, magnesium, manganese, silica.

Another major advantage is that it combines the right combinations of nutrients: calcium and boron (boron is a trace element that facilitates the fixation of calcium in the body); iron and vitamin C (vitamin C facilitates the assimilation of iron).