Pouxit, the new way to fight nits and lice

Cooper Pouxit anti-lice lotion is indicated in the treatment of scalp lice and nits of adults and children above 6 months-old. It does not contain any insecticide, nor toxic substance because it works by physical effect. It is soft for the scalp, odourless and easy to apply.

Easy to use

Apply on the scalp, when hair is dry. Massage and leave it dry in air for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, apply a soft calm shampoo (do not wet the hair before, apply the shampoo directly). Massage and wet, then rinse. Wash a second time with the shampoo. You do not have to repeat after 7 days.

Avoid contact with eyes. Do not take internally. Do not inhale. Do not use on children under 6 month-old.

Composition of your anti-lice lotion

Dimethicone 4%, Penetrol

Also contains some antifoam products. It is normal that pouxit XF may prevent your shampoo to lather

Clearance item, Best Before Dated 12/2019. These have been stored correctly and wil still work as intended beyond BBD.