Deflecting Negativity Intention Jewelry Natural Crystals Bracelet

You will receive a bracelet containing the following 

According to Lore, both are very protecting stones. 

Smokey Quartz - protects and dissolves negativity on al levels, cleanses and prospects aura

and  Labradorite- Deflect unwanted negativity, gets rids of fear 

You will receive a bracelet very similar to the one in the pictures.  The beads size range from 8mm to 10mm.  Stainless Steel Beads. All natural.  Regular wrist size is 7.5", other sizes please let me know.

May contain natural  marks as shown. 


The information you will find in our store or included in your shipment is for informational and metaphysical purposes, derived from traditional wisdom and lore and it is not approved by the FDA. We can’t guarantee of any results with the products that we recommend or sell. Our products are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.

All Content ©2012 Terra Energika