Wow, Candy Crush account Level 15320! 

Probably the No. 1 account with the highest rating worldwide*!

Crush made it! No levels left, all played - look at the photos!

Buy it and be on the top of the world when the Saga continues.

Account played since 2012 with apple iPhone and iPad (iOS).

* We searched the net and couldn't find an higher rated account.

Please notice: you will get our candy crush data = e-mail adress and password so first you can change the password (make sure to write it down) then you can change the e-mail adress to your favorite e-mail (adress must be correct and working!) and the account will be yours. Please let us know how you would like to receive our candy crush data - for example: e-mail, ebay message, etc..

We recommend you to pick up/ collect the account at our place (near Frankfurt, Germany), to ensure that the transfer of the account will work. When you are from Germany we will refund your travel expenses (50 € for gasoline). When you are from continental europe we will refund your travel expenses (100 € gasoline).  

IMPORTANT: We are selling our account = e-mail adress + password - for transfer you need the Candy crush app on your iPhone/ iPad! For transfer of the account you need also a valid email adress that is working. Make sure not to forget your password or e-mail login! With handing over our account data to you is this transaction complete!

Versand nach Deutschland ist kostenlos, da Sie eine E-Mail bzw. ebay Nachricht mit den Accountdaten erhalten (Abholung empfohlen).
International shipping costs 1,00 € will be refunded, you will receive an e-mail/ ebay message with the account data (we recommend to pick up the account data in Germany - see above refund travel expenses).

Withdrawel and returns/ reshipment are not possible!