Titles Included in this collection Deal :


Nourish: Mind, Body & Soul 


Nourish: Mind, Body and Soul

Nourish: Mind, Body & Soul 

Amber Rose's beautiful collection of healthier recipes in Love, Bake, Nourish is perfect for anyone who wants to explore cooking without processed sugars and who loves baking with fruit and honey. We are all aware of the benefits of eating seasonally and healthily, and yet often this isn't something we consider when baking. Amber herself describes it as a collection of her favourite 'cakes, puddings and sweet treats that don't come laden with the gluten you find in standard white flour'. She believes that cakes, bakes and puddings shouldn't be made with refined white flour and white sugar, and instead has developed recipes using fruit and honey to give sweetness and ancient flours such as buckwheat, spelt and rye to give depth of flavour. 

Nourish: Mind, Body and Soul
We get so much more out of life when we feel positive and energised and therefore it is such a shame when the everyday pressures of life build up and we find ourselves doing almost anything simply to get by and end up a long way from the ideal that we still wistfully have in mind. Full of the wisdom and good nourishment that helped Sadie, Holly and Amber through their own personal struggles and setbacks, Nourish promises to restore you to the path of complete well-being. With Amber's delicious food to nourish the body, Holly's exercises to strengthen it and Sadie's beauty recipes to soothe the skin and yoga and meditation routines to still the mind, this beautiful book is the perfect antidote to the stresses and strains of modern life, proving that there is always a way to stay nourished and happy.