Protect Your Home from Wildfires - Used by Professionals and Homeowners Since 2004

Thermo Gel concentrate mixes with water to form a fire preventing and heat absorbing "blanket" on your home.  Gel concentrate is drawn into the nozzle to mix with water and sprays out as a protective barrier.

Thermo Gel clings to glass, metal, roof overhangs, and all types of surfaces, creating a gelled water barrier that continues to protect the home or structure for many hours in wildfire conditions.

Homeowner's Kit includes 4 gallons of concentrate, Garden Hose Nozzle Sprayer, and Instructions (written and video).  

Thermo Gel is sprayed onto the home or structure surfaces before the fire's arrival and continues to protect after you have evacuated.  Thermo Gel can also be sprayed directly on any burning material to aid in quick extinguishment of fire.

Using your garden hose and the Homeowners Fire Protection Kit, your home or structure can be kept safe.  4 Gallons of concentrate will protect homes of approximately 2,500 to 3,000 SF.  Each gallons will cover approximately 500 SF of surface area.  Gel mix is sprayed on materials that will combust (eg wood siding or decking) or break (windows), and not on masonry or similar materials.

Many homes, wineries, and outbuildings have been saved from fires in California only because of Thermo Gel during since 2004 - your home can be saved too!

Note:  Nozzle sprayer requires a minimum of 30 PSI of water pressure at the nozzle for the concentrate to mix thoroughly with water.  This requires a minimum of 45 PSI or water pressure at the garden hose connection, assuming a 100 foot 3/4" hose.

See the full instructions in picture section.