Glazed and partially glazed doors can be a little tricky and expensive to cover with a blind.  This kit gives you a quick and easy blind which can be fitted in no time, and is convenient and neat.  Using blackout fabric, privacy is ensured when the blind is closed, however this is not a total blackout blind as a small amount of light is likely at the edges - if you need complete blackout, please look at our other blinds such as easyblackout or easynight.

There is no sewing involved, no drills, screws or frames, and no other fittings are required.

Available in four sizes - standard and wide widths, and two lengths for half-glazed and fully glazed doors, as follows:

This fabric can be cut to size with sharp scissors if necessary to make a good fit - it does not fray and does not need a hem.

Each kit includes:

Easy to use:

  1. The blind is held to the top of the door using Velcro® Brand fastener stickers as pictured - these are self-adhesive, simply remove them from the backing sheet and press in to place on the door as indicated.
  2. To hang your blind, simply press your easyblackout fabric against the fastener stickers on the door.  It will attach, and can be removed and replaced whenever required.
  3. To open your blind, you can take the fabric off the door, or you can roll it up and hold it open as follows: Place an additional fastener sticker above the blind towards the left and towards the right edges.  Roll the blind up and use the straps included to hold it.  The straps attach to both the fabric and the fastener stickers.
You can also hold your blind in an open position using our magnetic tiebacks, available separately.


  1. These easydoor blinds use easyblackout fabric which can be cut to size if required - it will not fray and does not need a hem.
  2. The adhesive we use on our Velcro® Brand fasteners is suitable for use with uPVC doors and is durable for frequent use.
  3. Please note that the adhesive, although not permanent, is quite strong and could pull paint or varnish away from wooden doors, if the finish is not sound.
Easydoor blinds with 'seconds' fabric:

From time to time we have some easydoor fabric that isn't quite perfect in appearance - it is perfectly usable but may have some small marks so we can't sell it as 'first' stock.  We think it would be a shame to throw it away so we offer these easydoor blinds at a discount.
Only the fabric is different in seconds blinds - all other included components are the same, the only difference is that there may be some small marks on the fabric.