This is a D Section hoop ring with discoid bezel bearing swastika with dashes between the arms.

Pedigree: Lancashire UK, prior London.


Likely bronze (alloy of copper (88%) and tin). Microscopic analysis shows oxidization from moisture, as bronze contains copper, the green tinting arises from copper carbonate when copper is exposed to moisture of the skin.

Age: 1 Mil BC – 1 Mil AD.


The Swastika is a very ancient symbol used by many old cultures. It ordained, in mosaic form, the palaces of wealthy Romans and many large statues of Buddha are adorned with the symbol.

In Hinduism the Swastika has played an important role.

For Hindu’s the symbol is used in many cultural and religious contexts, including in many temples and during  festivals such as Diwali.

As with all symbols, the meanings may convey multiple layers and interpretations, with the limbs often representing the four Vedas and the four dots, representing the four stages of life, the ‘Ashramas’ (student, household life, retired life, renounced life).

The symbol also has meaning to the Indo-Aryan people who migrated from central Asia to south Asia in the second millennium BCE. For the Celts, the swastika related to the seasons and equinoxes and formed part of their runic language.


This ring has no connection with the political movements of the 20th Century.