All Skin Types  - Not only for summer period

Do not be afraid of the sun for all the year, not only for the summer.

Now you have the new suncare face cream Carroten Age Block, your shield against premature aging. Enriched with a specially formulated and balanced complex of pro-vitamin A and vitamin E + C, Carroten Age Block protects your skin from oxidative stress, responsible for premature aging.

Very Water Resistant

Our new offering against premature aging includes the innovative Carroten triple protection (UVB + UVA + IR), against a wide range of solar radiation:

- The harmful ultraviolet radiation (UV), which is responsible for sunburn and premature aging.
- The infrared (IR), which is responsible for visible lesions skin (dehydration, intolerance, wrinkles, blemishes).

Enhanced with advanced hydrating technology Aqua Mimic, which imitates natural skin hydration mechanisms, to maintain skin moisture at an ideal level. With silky, light texture, it is quickly absorbed and gives a unique softness to your skin.

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