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Passiflora seemannii is a perennial vine in the Passifloraceae family. Its native range is from Mexico to Peru. The familiar name is Seemann's Passion Flower. A native to the lowlands of southern Mexico, northwestern South America, and Central America. It can be grown in a container and brought inside during the winter. The fruits are edible and cultivated in Mexico and Hawaii for their delicious fruit juice. An excellent vine for covering fence sections or climbing pergolas and trellis'. It can grow to around 20 feet long, vining out in every direction. The pale green leaves are large and 2-3 lobed. The flowers are purple, white, and blue with bands of white on the filaments and recurved petals that alternate purple and white. It prefers to grow in full sun to part shade with well-drained soil. Zones 9-11


Rub the passiflora seeds with a piece of fine-grit sandpaper. Soak seeds for 72 hours. Sow seeds the thickness of the seeds and lightly cover with a medium. Keep moist in a bright spot. Do not cover with plastic but maintain a temperature around 65-75F. Germination 30-90 days.