Al-kamil al-Mubarrad. 3 Bde. in 1 Bd. / 3 vols. in 1 vol.

von Al-Mubarrad, Muhammad Ibn-Yazid:

Al-Mubarrad, Muhammad Ibn-Yazid:
Verlag / Jahr
Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1986.
Format / Einband
Leder mit Goldschnitt / Leather with gilt edge. Bd.1: 272, Bd.2: 242, Bd.3: 322 S./p.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Dr. Albrecht Noth (1937-1999), langjährigem Professor für Geschichte und Kultur des Vorderen Orients in Bonn und Hamburg. Text arabisch. - Einband leicht bestoßen, wenige Bleistiftanm. von A. Noth, sonst sehr gutes Ex. - Abu al-'Abbas Muhammad ibn Yazid (826 - 898) war Philologe, Biograph und führender Grammatiker der Schule von Basra. "Die Grammatik des al Mubarrad (Die Perfekte)" ist sein bekanntestes Werk. / From the library of Prof. Dr. Albrecht Noth (1937-1999), long-time professor for the history and culture of the Near East in Bonn and Hamburg. Arabic text. - Cover slightly bumped, few pencil notes by A. Noth, otherwise very good copy. - Abu al-'Abbas Muhammad ibn Yazid (826-898) was a philologist, biographer and leading grammarian of the School of Basra. "The grammar of al Mubarrad (The Perfect One or The Complete)" is his best known work.
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Al-kamil al-Mubarrad. 3 Bde. in 1 Bd. / 3 vols. in 1 vol.

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