New Ways in Psychoanalysis.

von Horney, Karen:

Horney, Karen:
Reprinted 1947.
Verlag / Jahr
London; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner + Co.,
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag. 313 S.; 22 cm.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex.; Umschlag fleckig u. m. kl. Läsuren. - Englisch. - Dr. HORNEY believes that psychoanalysis has to rid itself of the heritage of the past if its great potentialities are to develop. Her purpose in this book is not to show ivhat is wrong with psychoanalysis, but, through elimination of the debatable elements, to enable psychoanalysis to develop to the full its potentialities for the understanding and therapy of the neuroses. (Verlagstext) // INHALT : INTRODUCTION --- FUNDAMENTALS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS --- SOME GENERAL PREMISES OF FREUD'S THINKING --- THE LIBIDO THEORY --- THE OEDIPUS COMPLEX --- THE CONCEPT OF NARCISSISM --- FEMININE PSYCHOLOGY --- THE DEATH INSTINCT --- THE EMPHASIS ON CHILDHOOD --- THE CONCEPT OF TRANSFERENCE --- CULTURE AND NEUROSES --- THE "EGO" AND THE "ID" --- ANXIETY --- THE CONCEPT OF THE "SUPER-EGO" --- NEUROTIC GUILT FEELINGS --- MASOCHISTIC PHENOMENA --- PSYCHOANALYTIC THERAPY --- INDEX.
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