Higher education at a crossroad : the case of Estonia.

von Saar, Ellu and René Mottus (Eds.):

Saar, Ellu and René Mottus (Eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Frankfurt, M. : PL Acad. Research, 2013.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 446 S.
ca. 585 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Elin Saar. René Mòttus, Introduction: A brief overview of the Estonian higher education system and its challenges -- Karmo Kroos, Estonian higher education and research strategy: a systematic review and policy discussion -- Karin Täht, Liina Adov, Mari-Liis Magi, Olev Must, Does research-oriented university really have a negative effect on students' self-evaluations? -- Helle Pullmann, Anu Realo, Kairi Kreegipuu, Jiiri Aliik, René Möttus, Fatigue does not predict academic performance among university students -- Larissa Jogi, Katrin Kant, Kristiina Krabi, Experiencing learning at university: making the best of lifelong learning? -- Eve-Liis Roosmaa, Auni Tamm, What makes a good classroom environment for an adult learner? Comparative perspective -- Helena Metslang, Anastassia Smöreitsik, How non-native speaker students cope in higher education: a case study of ethnic minority students in Estonia -- Marvi Remmik, Mari Karm, From teaching to guiding learning: novice university teachers' concepts of teaching and learning -- Krista Jaakson, Anne Reino, The impact of Estonian research, development and education policies on perceived value conflicts in universities -- Liina Lepp, Mari Karm, Marvi Remmik, Supervisor's activities in supporting PhD students in the supevisory process -- Einike Pilli, Kätlin Panari, Defining the determining element of content mastery as the key aspect in congruence between learning outcomes and assessment -- Kairit Tammets, Kai Pata, The trends and problems of planning outcome-based courses in eleaming -- Marge Unt, Kristina Lindemann, From bust to boom and back again: social positions of graduates during the last decade in Estonia -- Kerly Espenberg, Aivi Themas, Jaan Masso, Raul Eamets, Why do social science graduates earn more than natural science graduates in Estonia? -- Marge Unt, Kadri Täht, Ellu Saar, Jelena Helemäe, The expansion of higher education: devaluation or differentiation? The Estonian case -- Kerly Espenberg, Aivi Themas, Jaan Masso, The graduate gender pay gap in Estonia -- EZ/M Saar, Kadri Täht, Triin Roosalu, Auni Tamm Wishing, Welcome to the nontraditional student: how institutions create barriers for returning to higher education. ISBN 9783631637845
Estland ; Hochschulbildung ; Aufsatzsammlung, Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen
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Higher education at a crossroad : the case of Estonia.

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