Successful environmental policy : a critical evaluation of 24 cases. [hrsg. vom Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung]. Martin Jänicke ; Helmut Weidner (eds.).

von Jänicke, Martin (Hrsg.):

Jänicke, Martin (Hrsg.):
Verlag / Jahr
Berlin : Ed. Sigma, 1995.
Format / Einband
kart. 411 S. : graph. Darst. ; 21 cm;
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex.; Einband stw. leicht berieben. - Englisch. // INHALT : ... A Surprising Success in EC Environmental Policy: The Small Car Exhaust Emission Directive of 1989 Kathahna Holzinger --- The Swift Introduction of 'Clean Cars' in the Netherlands, 1986-1992. The Origin and Effect of Incentive Measures --- Geerten, Schrama and Pieter-Jan Klok --- The Reduction of Lead Emissions in the UK --- John Russell and Erik Millstone --- Reduction of Road Traffic in Athens, Greece Ilias Katsoulis --- Energy Savings Through Surveillance Systems and Staff Involvement in Large Economic Entities. The Success Story of Storstroem County, Denmark Borge Klemmensen --- Electric Energy Conservation Policy and Environmental Protection in California Daniel Mazmanian --- Substitution of Energy-Intensive Household Appliances in --- Australia --- R. Andreas Kraemer --- Substitution of PVC in Danish Plastics Packaging --- Jesper Holm --- Environmental Achievements in Enterprises - With Special Reference to Industrial Relations --- Eckart Hildebrandt --- Reduction of the Calculated Use of Cadmium in German Industry --- Karen Batcher --- Evaluation in Environmental Policy as a Learning Process: the Case of PCBs --- Walter J. V. Vermeulen --- Ecologically Oriented Management at Ciba-Geigy AG, Basle, Switzerland --- Joseph Huber, Ellen Protzmann and Ulrike C. Siegert --- Greenfreeze: Environmental Success by Accident and Strategic Action Jobst Conrad --- Ocean Pollution by Tankers: Regulating Operational Discharges as a Partial Policy Success Volkmar J. Hartje --- International Action to Protect the Ozone Layer Thomas Gehring // (u.a.m.) ISBN 9783894041366
Umweltpolitik ; Fallstudie, Umweltschutz, Raumordnung, Landschaftsgestaltung, Politik
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Successful environmental policy : a critical evaluation of 24 cases.

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