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The Benefits

  • Worktop oil to protect and nourish

  • Enhances the colour and grain

  • Imparts an attractive, natural, satin sheen

  • Provides a durable, water and stain resistant finish

  • Suitable for all types of wooden worktops

  • Prolongs the life of all worktops

Worktop M Kit

Worktop Maintenance Kit

The natural, prestigious, high-quality timber worktop you have in your kitchen needs the highest quality products to ensure it stays looking its best; which is why our Worktop Maintenance Kit is the ideal solution to provide the products to do exactly that.

The worktop oil we supply in this kit is our premium Danish Oil which not only protects your worktop from stains and spills, but as the oil soaks in, it will bring out the woods natural beauty, enhancing the grain and colour. 

The kit is designed to protect from the very start and should be used immediately after the installation of any kitchen worktops. 

It is essential to build up a proper course of oil treatment which will ensure long life and give you many years of use.

It is important that wooden worktops are regularly cleaned and oiled; ongoing care will bring out and enhance the natural colour and grain within the wood, while protecting the surface from wear & tear, and staining.

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