B-GRADE, Black Double Anderson SB50 50amp Plug Surface Cover + Insect/Dust Caps

B-Grade means this cover has a surface finish that is not as visually pleasing as our other Premium Black Double covers. If you don't mind some imperfections, and want to save some money, then this is the perfect Anderson Plug cover for you.
This cover may have a scratch, it may have more visible layer lines, or generally not look as nice as our Premium Double Covers. 
However, the cover is just as strong, does the same job, and has the same two year warranty as our Premium Covers

This cover allows the two Anderson plugs to be hidden on the mounting surface, giving an aesthetically pleasing look to the caravan, 4x4, boat, wall etc.
The cover features a compression groove on the mating surface to provide a waterproof seal when using liquid sealers.
Two insect/dust covers are also supplied so wasp nests are a thing of the past.
This product is 3D printed using polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG).
PETG is a solid choice for applications in which complex shapes, details, and compound curves are featured. This thermoplastic material can be sanded, painted, silk screened or hot stamped.
Durable and tough
Good chemical resistance
High impact strength
Glossy surface finish
Water Resistant
Perfect for indoor and outdoor applications
As this product is 3D printed, small layer lines may be visible at certain angles.
This product can be easily sanded and painted, where an exceptional "automotive" finish can be easily achieved.
This allows for perfect color matching to the caravan, 4x4 or mounting surface.
Located in Australia, with over 30 years experience in plastic extrusion, design and manufacturing in the Automotive, Mining and Aviation industries, you have local support.
The Cover and Insect/Dust Caps are manufactured in Australia, for Australian conditions.

1 x B-Grade Black Double Cover
2 x Black Insect/Dust cap
5 x Mounting Screws

Anderson Plugs NOT included

24 Month Replacement Warranty

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