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Caesalpinia pulcherrima 'Alba,' commonly known as the White Peacock Flower, is an enchanting variant of the tropical shrub. Its delicate, fern-like leaves provide an elegant backdrop to the clusters of pure white blossoms. These ethereal flowers, reminiscent of fluttering butterflies, lend a serene charm to gardens. Growing 1-3 meters tall, this shrub flourishes in well-draining soil and full sun, particularly in warm climates. The White Peacock Flower's purity and unique allure make it a captivating addition, attracting pollinators while adding a touch of tranquility to outdoor spaces. It constantly blooms in zones 10 and 11. Zones 8-11


Caesalpinia pulcherrima 'Alba' seed germination requires precision. Soak seeds in warm water for 24 hours to aid germination. Plant in well-draining soil, lightly covering. Maintain consistent moisture and warmth around 25-30°C. Germination duration varies from weeks to months. As seedlings appear, they provide filtered sunlight, gradually increasing exposure. Transplant into larger pots as they grow. While patience is essential, the reward is a stunning White Peacock Flower shrub graced with delicate white blossoms resembling butterflies. Its unique beauty and pollinator appeal enhance gardens, infusing them with serenity and charm.