Petrarch the Poet: An Introduction to the Rerum Vulgarium Fragmena.

von Hainsworth, Peter:

Hainsworth, Peter:
Verlag / Jahr
London ; New York : Routledge, 1988.
Format / Einband
Original cloth with dust jacket in additional plastic. IX, 239 p.
ca. 428 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Annotation on endpaper, otherwise very good and clean. / Anmerkung auf Vorsatzblatt, sonst sehr gut und sauber. - In this critical and historical interpretation of Petrarch’s poetry, Peter Hainsworth focuses on Petrarch’s major work in Italian, the collection of poems he called the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (known also as the Canzionere or the Rime sparse). From this analysis Petrarch emerges as a poet of outstanding sophistication and seriousness, occupied with issues which are still central to debates about poetry and language, rather than a trivial sonneteer or the medieval moralist he is sometimes claimed to be. In the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta Petrarch reassessed and re-formed the preceding Italian tradition, creating a new kind of lyric poetry. In particular, he found solutions to the intellectual, linguistic and imaginative problems which Dante’s Divine Comedy posed for the succeeding generation of poets. This process of re-making involved Petrarch in a sophisticated, allusive exploration of the significance and fascination of poetry itself. Petrarch the Poet succeeds brilliantly in illuminating the complexities of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, a work which is, as Peter Hainsworth shows, simultaneously a form of autobiographical narrative, a poetic encyclopedia and a meditation on the nature of poetry. Of particular value to Italian specialists, the book will also appeal to those interested in European poetry of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and to readers interested generally in the nature and function of poetry. - Peter Hainsworth is Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. He has also taught at the Universities of Hull and Kent. His previous publications are, as co-editor with T. G. Griffith, Petrarch: Selected Poems (1972) and, with Michael Caesar, Writers and Society in Contemporary Italy (1984). ISBN 9780415002707
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Petrarch the Poet: An Introduction to the Rerum Vulgarium Fragmena.

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