Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Dover Thrift Editions.

von Sophokles:

Verlag / Jahr
Dover Publ.; New York, 1991.
Format / Einband
54 S.; 21 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Gutes Ex.; Seiten gering nachgedunkelt. - Englisch. - Considered by many the greatest of the classic Greek tragedies, Oedipus Rex is Sophocles' finest play and a work of extraordinary power and resonance. Aristotle considered it a masterpiece of dramatic construction and refers to it frequently in the Poetics. In presenting the story of King Oedipus and the tragedy that ensues when he discovers he has inadvertently killed his father and married his mother, the play exhibits near-perfect harmony of character and action. Moreover, the masterly use of dramatic irony greatly intensifies the impact of the agonizing events and emotions experienced by Oedipus and the other characters in the play. Now these and many other facets of this towering tragedy may be studied and appreciated in Dover's attractive inexpensive edition of one of the great landmarks of Western drama. Unabridged Dover (1991) republication of "Oedipus Tyrannus" from The Dramas of Sophocles Rendered in English Verse Dramatic h- Lyric by Sir George Young, J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., London, 1906. ... (Verlagstext) ISBN 0486268772
Ödipus Rex; Altertum; Literatur
Unser Preis
EUR 11,00
(inkl. MwSt.)
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Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Dover Thrift Editions.

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