[5 Volumes in 1] Renaissance Studies - Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies Volume 22: February - Number 1, April - Number 2, June (The Rhetoric of Complaint: Ovid's Heroides in the Renaissance and Restoration) - Number 3, September - Number 4, November - Number 5.

von Hadfield, Prof. Andrew (Ed.):

Hadfield, Prof. Andrew (Ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Oxford: Blackwell, 2008.
Format / Einband
Original hardcover. 760 p., w/ fig.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Condition: In perfect condition. / Zustand: Im einwandfreien Zustand. - Content: Number 1: A tale of two books: Bessarion’s In Calumniatorem Platonis and George of Trebizond’s Comparatio Philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis - John Monfasani; Madonna Beilina, ‘astounding’ Jewish musician in mid-sixteenth-century Venice - Don Harrán; Montaigne’s On Physiognomy - Adriana Bontea; Presence, obligation and memory in John Donne’s texts for the Countess of Bedford - Cedric C. Brown; ‘To make love to a Deformity’: praising ugliness in early modern England - Naomi Baker; Temptation in Eden: Lucas Cranach’s Adam and Eve - reviewed by Pablo Pérez d’Ors; Dürer e l’Italia - reviewed by Simon P. Oakes; Claire Preston, Thomas Browne and the Writing of Early Modem Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) - reviewed by Kevin Killeen; David LaGuardia and G. Ferguson (eds.), Narrative Worlds: Essays on the Nouvelle in 15“ and 16* Century France (Tempe, Arizona: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2005) - reviewed by John Parkin; Eric R. Dursteler, Venetians in Constantinople: Nation, Identity, and Coexistence in the Early Modem Mediterranean (Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press, 2006) - reviewed by Uzi Baram; Number 2: The attribution and sitter of the Munich Portrait of a Young Man in a Fur - Simon P. Oakes; Senators or courtiers: negotiating models for the College of Cardinals under Julius II and Leo X - Jennifer Mara DeSilva; Raphael and the bad humours of painters in Vasari's Lives of the Artists - Piers D. G. Bruion; Giambologna’s Salviati reliefs of St Antoninus of Florence: saintly images and political manipulate - Niri I Ben-Aryeh Debby; Masque scenery and the tradition of immobilization in The First Part of The Countess of Montgomery Urania - Julie D. Campbell; Did Clement Marot really oiler his Trente Pseaulmes to the Emperor Charles V in January 1540? - Dick Wursten; Tintoretto - reviewed by Benjamin Paul; Lisa Hopkins, Shakespearean the Edge. Border-crossing in the Tragedies and the 'Henriad' (Aidershot: Ashgate, 2005) - reviewed by Andrew Hiscock; Celia R. Daileader, Racism, Misogyny, and the Othello Myth: Interracial Couples from Shakespeare to Npn Lee (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005) - reviewed by Kevin De Ornella; Maura Nolan, John Lydgate and the Making of Public Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005) - reviewed by Samantha Rayner; Julie Crawford, Marvelous Protestantism: Monstrous births in Post-Reformation England (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005) and Susan C. Staub, Nature's Cruel Stepdamr* Murderous Women in the Street Literature of Seventeenth Cent my England (Pittsburgh. PA: Duquesne University Press, 2005) - reviewed by Chiara Luis; Madeleine de Scudéry, Selected Letters, Orations, and Rhetorical Dialogues. TranslatecPand edited In J. Donawerth and Julie Strongson (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2004) - reviewed by Philip Crispin; Jason P. Rosenblatt, Renaissance England's Chief Rabbi: John Selden (Oxford: Oxford University Pro* 2006) - reviewed by Claire Jowitt; Kelley Harness, Echoes of Women's Voices: Music, Art, and Female Patronage in Early Modern Florence (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006) - reviewed by Craig Monson; Gerard Kilroy, Edmund Campion: Memory and Iran script ion (Aldershot: Ashgate. 2005) - reviewed by Thomas Schmidt-Beste; Adrien Camhart's Emblem Book (1664). The Life of St Francis of Sales in Symbols. A facsimile edition edited by Terence O'Reilly (Philadelphia: St Joseph's University Press. 2005) reviewed by Alison Adams Sergio Zatti, The (hies! for Epic. Translated by Sally Hill with Dennis Looney (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006) - reviewed by Franca Pellegrini; James E. Shaw, Lhe Justice of Venice. Authorities and Liberties in the Urban Economy, 1550-1700 (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2006) - reviewed by Richard Mackenney; Michael Wintroub, A Savage Mirror. Power, Identity and Knowledge in Early Modern France (Stanford-California: Stanford University Press, 2006) and Stuart Carroll, Blood and Violence in Early Moth France (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2006) - reviewed by Natasha Constaniinid; Giordana Benazzi and Francesco Fe'derico Mancini, (eds.). II Palazzo Trinci di Foligno (Perugia: Quattroeme, 2001) - reviewed by John E. Law; Number 3: ‘Homes wanton Ovid’: reading and writing Ovid’s Henrides 1590-1712 - Susan Wiseman; Intertextuality and the female voice after the Heroides - Raphael Lyne; Spenser’s ‘goodly thought’: Henrides /5 and The Terms of the Muses - James Harmer; Rosamond’s complaint: Daniel, Ovid, and the purpose of poetry - Stephen Guy-Bray; Sexual and political liberty and neo-Latin poetics: the Henrides of Mark Alexander Boyd - Edward Palfit; ‘Large complaints in little papers’: negotiating Ovidian genealogies of complaint in Drayton’s Englands Henricall Epistles - Allison Thorne; Ovid’s Heroides, Drayton and the articulation of the feminine in the English Renaissance - Danielle Clarke; The early modern afterlife of Ovidian erotics: Dryden’s Henrides - Harriete Andreadis; Perfectly Ovidian’? Dryden’s Epistles, Behn’s ‘Oenone’, Yarico’s Island - Susan Wiseman; Number 4: Caesarea Laus:. Cariaco d’Ancona praising Caesar lo Leonardo Bruni - Hester Schadee; Henrico Boscano’s Isola beater, new evidence for the Academia Leonardi Vinci in Renaissance Milan - Jill Pederson; Giorgione’s Tempesta: a Virgilian pastoral - Rudoie Schier; Megillat Ester in Ottava Rima. Mordecai Dato’s poetry' regarding sixteenth-century Italian Jewish women - Deborah Tennen; Ronsard and the ‘sein verdelet’ of Cassandre: uncovering an unexplored Italian source - JoAnn DellaNeva; Arthur Golding’s Metamorphoses: myth in an Elizabethan political context - Gary G. Gibbs and Florinda Ruiz; Art of Light: German Renaissance Stained Glass - reviewed by Heather Gilderdale Scott; A New World: England’s First View of America - reviewed by Trevor Burnard; Patricia Rubin, Images and Identity in Fifteenth On tiny Florence. (London and New Haven 2007) and John Najemy, A History of Florence. (Oxford: Blackwell, 2006) and Roger J. Crum and John T Paoletti (eds.), Renaissance Florence: A Social History. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2006) - reviewed by Fabrizio Nevóla; Simon McKeown, Emblematic paintings pom Sweden's Age of Greatness. Nils Bielke and the Neo-Stm. Gallery at Skokloster. (Imago Figúrala Studies 6. Turnhout: Brepols, 2006) - reviewed by Alison Adams; Nicole Hochner, Lonis XII: Les Dérèglements de l'image Royale (1498-1515). (Paris: Champ Vallon. 2006) and Lettres de Henri HI: Tome VI (4 Janvier 1583-2Ö Mars 1585), edited by Jacqueline Boucher. (Paris: Société de l'Histoire de France, 2006) - reviewed by Stuart Carroll; Kristen Post Walton, Catholic Queen, Protestant Patriarchy. Mary, Queen of Scots, and the Politics of Gender and Religion. (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007) - reviewed by Elizabeth Ewan; Michael Cole (ed.). The Early Modem Painter-Etcher. (University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University7 Press, 2006) and Patricia Emison. The Simple Art: Printed Images in an Age of Magnificence. (Durham, New Hampshire: The Art Gallery, University of New Hampshire, 2006 - reviewed by Sharon Gregory; Sally Harper, Music in Welsh Culture before 1650: A Study of the Principal Sources. (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007) - reviewed by Emma Hornby; David Pegler and David Freedberg (eds.), The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo: Series B H, Fungi. (Volume editor Martin ( Jayton. London: Royal Collections in association with Harve* Miller Publishers, 2005) - reviewed by David Knight; Adrian Armstrong and Malcolm Quainton (eds.), Book and Text in France, 1400-1600: Poetry » the Page. (Aldershot: Ashgate. 2007) - reviewed by Marian Rothstein; Brian Curran, The Egyptian Renaissance: the Afterlife of Ancient Egypt in Early Modern Italy. (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2007) - reviewed by Tom Hardwick; Number 5: ‘No painting on earth would be more beautiful': an analysis of Giovanna degli Albizzi’s portrait - Maria DePrano; From bottega to studio Linda Bauer Disegno and desire in Pontormo's Alessandro de' Medici - Patricia Simons; Lucius, thou art translated: Adlington's Apuleius Supriya Chaudhuri The work of the devil? Theatre, the supernatural, and Montaigne's public stage - Emily Bun; Bruegel to Rubens: Masters of Flemish Painting - reviewed by Julian M. Luxford; Renaissance Siena: Art for a City - reviewed by Paula Hohti; Man' C. Fenton, Millon's Places of Hope: Spiritual and Political Connections of Hope with Land. (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006) and Michael Lieb, Theological Milton: Deity, Discourse and Heresy in the Miltonic Canon, Medi eval and Renaissance Literary Studies. (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2006) and Millon in the Age of Fish: Essays on Authorship, Text, and Terrorism, ed. by Michael Lieb and Albert C. Labriola. Medieval and Renaissance Literary Studies. (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2006) and Stephen M. Fallon, Millon's Peculiar Grace: Self-Representation and Authority. (Ithaca and Rondon: Cornell University Press, 2007) and Timothy J. Burbery, Milton the Dramatist, Medieval and Renaissance Literary Studies. (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2007) and Angelica Duran. The Age of Milion and the Scientific Revolution. (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2007) - reviewed by Estelle Haan; Peter Mancall, Hakluyts Promise: An Elizabethan Obsession for English America. (London: Yale University Press, 2007) and Karen Ordahl Kupperman, The Jamestown Project. (Cambridge: Hanard University Press, 2007) - reviewed by David Aiff; Ronald Bedford, Lloyd Davis, and Philippa Kelly, Early Modern English Lives: Autobiography and Self-Represenlalion 1500-1660. (Aidershot: Ashgate, 2007) - reviewed by Andrew Crome; Symphorien Champier, La Nef des dames vertueuses, edited by Judy Kem. (Textes de la Renaissance. 114). (Paris: Honoré Champion. 2007) and Jehan Du Pré, I a’ Palais des nobles Dames (Lyon, 1534), edited by Brenda Dunn-Lardeau. (Textes de la Renaissance, 115). (Paris: Honore Champion, 2007) and Pemette Du Guillet, Rymes, edited by Christian Barataud and Danielle Trudeau. (Textes de la Renaissance, 129). (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2006) and Gisèle Mathieu-Castellani, Eros baroque. Anthologie thématique de la poésie amoureuse. (Textes de la Renaissance, 111). (Paris: Honoré Champion. 2007) and Heidi Marek, h’ mythe antique dans l'œuvre de Pontus de l'yard, translated by Catherine Debacq-Gross. (Bibliothèque Littéraire de la Renaissance, 65). (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2006) and Cécile Alduy, Politique des -Amours»: Poétique et genèse d'un genre français nouveau (1544-1560). (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 422). (Geneva: Droz, 2007) - reviewed by Emma Herdman; George Saliba, Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2007) and Kevin Killeen and Peler J. Forshaw (eds.). The Word and The World: Biblical Exegesis and Early Modern Science. (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) rexiewed by John Henn Frank Greiner (dir.). Fictions narratives en prose de l'âge baroque: répertoire analytique. Premiere partie (1585-1610). (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2007) - reviewed by Mark Bannister; Dirk Werle, Copia librorum. Problemgeschichle imaginierter Bibliotheken 1580-1630. (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2007) reviexved by Christopher Johnson Lisa Sampson, Pastoral Drama in Early Modern Italy: The Making of a New Genre. (Oxford: Legenda, 2006) - reviewed by Alexandra Coller.
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[5 Volumes in 1] Renaissance Studies - Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies Volume 22: February - Number 1, April - Number 2, June (The Rhetoric of Complaint: Ovid's Heroides in the Renaissance and Restoration) - Number 3, September - Number 4, November - Number 5.

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