The Stanze of Angelo Poliziano

Auflage: Reprint
Verlag / Jahr
Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993.
Format / Einband
Taschenbuch 228 Seiten
ca. 266 g
Fresh and clean copy in good condition.Bilingual English and Italian edition. Frisches und sauberes Exemplar in gutem Zustand. Zweisprachige englische und italienische Ausgabe. “In his unique translation of Angelo Poliziano's The Stanze, David Quint reveals in English for the first time the pagan love story of the ill-fated Giuliano de Medici and the bewitching Simonetta?a theme that has inspired painters and poets for generations. The English prose is rich, vibrant and rhythmic, while at the same time accurate and natural. It captures the fragile and fugitive beauty of the original Italian verses, emulating the complex models of Latin and Greek literature. The English version, with copious explanatory notes, faces the Italian on the opposite page. The introduction locates the poem in its historical framework, examines the mythological symbolism, and interprets the so-called Neoplatonic philosophy of love guiding the poet.” - Choice ISBN 9780271009377
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The Stanze of Angelo Poliziano

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