The Shadow of the Second Mother: Nurses and nannies in theories of infant development

von Coles, Prophecy:

Coles, Prophecy:
Verlag / Jahr
Routledge, 23.02.2015.
Format / Einband
15,6 x 0,9 x 23,4 cm, Taschenbuch 148 Seiten
ca. 225 g
The author explores the lives of several well-known people who have been wet nursed, such as Michelangelo, Rousseau, Jack London, Nabokov and Klein. She speculates that they all were affected emotionally by their ‘second mother’, and concludes that a universal feature of such delegated mothering seems to be that the bond between mother and child is broken, and the child may be left with a life-long distrust of close relationships. In The Shadow of the "Second Mother", Coles combines an exploration of attachment theory with neurology, making it possible to give an explanation as to why these important figures have lain unnamed and ignored in our social and psychological consciousness. ISBN 9780415637237
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EUR 36,80
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The Shadow of the Second Mother: Nurses and nannies in theories of infant development

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