Classical World, 99.

von Santirocco, Matthew S. (ed.):

Santirocco, Matthew S. (ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Swarthmore: The Classical Association of the Atlantic States, 2005, 2006.
Format / Einband
Library binding Hardcover. 500 p.
ca. 550 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - ein sehr gutes Exemplar / a very good copy. - Index to Volume 99 II. 1 ARTICLES, SURVEYS, SCHOLIA, PAEDAGOGUS W. S. Anderson, Ancient Illustrations of the Aeneid. The Hunts of Books 4 and 7: 157. A. Augoustakis: Pliny Epistulae 4.13: "Communal Conspiracy" at Comum: 419. S. Bertman, A New Course in Ancient Engineering: 70. B. W. Boyd, Textbook and Context: “The Next Aeneid”: 166. D. E. Connor, The Forest and the Trees: Teaching the Aeneid in High School: 170. H. Cullyer, A Wind That Blows from Thrace: Dionysus in the Fifth Stasimon of Sophocles’ Antigone: 3. D. Davies, New Strategies for Reading Vergil: 173. S. B. Ferrario, “Greek Tragedy and Opera": An Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Seminar: 51. J. Fletcher: Signifying Circe in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon: 405. C. S. Hardy, The Parasite’s Daughter: Metatheatrical Costuming in Plautus’ Persa: 25. C. Lloyd, The Polis in Medea: Urban Attitudes and Euripides’ Characterization in Medea 214-224: 115. B. MacLachlan: Voices from the Underworld: The Female Body Discussed in Two Dialogues: 423. G. Mader: Triumphal Elephants and Political Circus at Plutarch, Pomp. 14.6: 397. W. E. Major, Aristophanes and Alazoneia: Laughing at the Parabasis of the Clouds: 131. V. P. Petrakis: History versus the Homeric Iliad.- A View from the Ionian Islands: 371. D. H. Porter: Troubling the Familiar into New Life: Some Thoughts on Teaching Mythology: 434. L. Quartarone, Teaching Vergil’s Aeneid through Ecofeminism: 177. P. J. Rine, Exploring Catullan Verse through Music Composition: 67. E. W. Robinson, American Empire? Ancient Reflections on Modern American Power: 35. J. L. Sebesta, Textbooks in Greek and Latin: 219. J. F. Siegel, Audio-Visual Materials in Classics: 269. Wm. B. Tyrrell, Sophocles Wins Again: 21. W. Verbaal, Cicero and Dionysios the Elder, or the End of Liberty: 145. II.2 REVIEWS J. N. Adams, Bilingualism and the Latin Language (A. R. Dyck) 197. F. R. Adrados, History of the Graeco-Latin Fable. Vol. 3: Inventory and Documentation of the Graeco-Latin Fable (J. Vaio) 87. L. Argentieri, Gli Epigrammi degli Antipatri (A. Sens) 84. H. V. Bender and D. J. Califf, Poet and Artist: Imaging the Aeneid (A. Smith) 199. G. Betegh, The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology, and Interpretation (M. Herrero) 472. R. Blondell, The Play of Character in Plato’s Dialogues (K. A. Morgan) 92. G. Campbell, Lucretius on Creation and Evolution: A Commentary on De Rerum Natura 5.772-1104 (M. Garani) 205. P. Claes, Concatenatio Catulliana: A New Reading of the Carmina (J. B. Van Sickle) 86. J. B. DeBrohun, Roman Propertius and the Reinvention of Elegy (W. S. Anderson) 83. N. Denyer (ed.), Plato: Alcibiades (G. Betegh) 185. B. Dignas, Economy of the Sacred in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor (T. Corsten) 189. M. W. Edwards, Sound, Sense, and Rhythm: Listening to Greek and Latin Poetry (R. Kitzinger) 190. E. Fantham, The Roman World of Cicero’s De Oratore (J. M. May) 470. M. Fassino and S. Martinelli Tempera (eds.), Studi sulla tradizione del testo di Isocrate (M. R. Dilts) 193. G. Ferrari, Figures of Speech: Men and Maidens in Ancient Greece (A. Lear) 88. R. Ferri, Octavia: A Play Attributed to Seneca (W. M. Calder III) 97. H. Flashar and J. Jouanna (eds.), Médicine et morale dans l’antiquité (A. E. Hanson) 462. M. A. Flower and J. Marineóla (eds.), Herodotus: Histories, Book IX (T. Harrison) 98. D. L. Gera, Ancient Greek Ideas on Speech, Language, and Civilization (J. S. Clay) 194. D. Hawhee, Bodily Arts: Rhetoric and Athletics in Ancient Greece (D. Lateiner) 468. G. Herbert-Brown (ed.), Ovid’s Fasti: Historical Readings at Its Bimillennium (M. McGowan) 457. M. Hirschberger, Gynaikön Katalogos und Megalai Ehoiai: Ein Kommentar zu den Fragmenten zweier hesiodeischer Epen (R. Hunter) 201. V. Lachmann, Homer’s Sun Still Shines: Ancient Greece in Essays, Poems, and Translations (W. M. Calder III) 466. M. Leigh, Comedy and the Rise of Rome (K. McCarthy) 198. J. G. Lennox, Aristotle: On the Parts of the Animals I-IV (C. G. King) 188. J. B. Lott, The Neighborhoods of Augustan Rome (H. B. Evans) 464. D. Ogden, Greek and Roman Necromancy (F. Graf) 459. D. J. O’Meara, Platonopolis: Platonic Political Philosophy in Late Antiquity (P. Lautner) 196. J.-F. Pradeau (ed.) and C. Marboeuf (tr.), Platon, Alcibiade (G. Betegh) 185. S. Radt (ed.), Strabons Geographika, 1. Prolegomena, Buch 1-IV: Text und Übersetzung (J. Romm) 204. S. Radt (ed.), Strabons Geographika, 2. Buch V-VIII: Text und Übersetzung (J. Romm) 204. C. M. Reed, Maritime Traders in the Ancient Greek World (S. E. Sidebotham) 192. P. J. Rhodes and R. Osborne, Greek Historical Inscriptions 404-323 b.c. (S. D. Olson) 463. A. Rossi, Contexts of War: Manipulation of Genre in Virgilian Battle Narrative (M. T. Dinter) 85. T. F. Scanlon, Eros and Greek Athletics (A. Lear) 187. R. Seaford, Money and the Early Greek Mind (T. J. Figueira) 467. B. Severy, Augustus and the Family at the Birth of the Roman Empire (R. D. Weigel) 456. C. Sourvinou-Inwood, Tragedy and Athenian Religion (S. Scullion) 89. P. T. Struck, Birth of the Symbol: Ancient Readers at the Limits of Their Texts (D. Collins) 95. L. Taub, Ancient Meteorology (J. Scarborough) 475. M. Trapp (ed.), Greek and Latin Letters: An Anthology with a Translation (J. Ebbeler) 461. E. R. Varner, Mutilation and Transformation: Damnatio Memoriae and Roman Imperial Portraiture (H. I. Flower) 471. S. Vogt, Aristoteles: Physiognomonica (T. C. Brennan) 202. L. C. Watson, A Commentary on Horace’s Epodes (A. Barchiesi) 455. F. Wittchow, Exemplarisches Erzählen bei Ammianus Marcellinus: Episode, Exemplum, Anekdote (R. M. Frakes) 94. R. D. Woodard (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World’s Ancient Languages (M. Beckwith) 474. J. C. Yardley, Justin and Pompeius Trogus: A Study of the Language of Justin’s Epitome of Trogus (S. J. V. Malloch) 91.
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