Epictetus' Handbook and the Tablet of Cebes: Guides to Stoic Living.

von Seddon, Keith:

Seddon, Keith:
Verlag / Jahr
Routledge., 08.11.2005.
Format / Einband
15,6 x 1,7 x 23,4 cm, Broschiert / Paperback. X, 282 S.
ca. 356 g
Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langjährigem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - sehr guter Zustand / very good condition - Nearly 2000 years ago, musing on this problem of human flourishing and how it may be secured, the Stoic teacher Epictetus instructed his students in the Stoic art of living. This new translation of Epictetus' Handbook brings his ancient teachings to those who wish to live the philosophic life by finding a way to live happily in the world without being overwhelmed by it. In this book, readers will learn how to sustain emotional harmony and a 'good flow of life' whatever fortune may hold in store for them. This modern English translation of the complete Handbook is supported by the first thorough commentary since that of Simplicius, 1500 years ago, along with a detailed introduction, extensive glossary, index of key terms, and helpful tables that clarify Stoic ethical doctrines at a glance. -- Accompanying the Handbook is the Tablet of Cebes, a curious and engaging text from an unknown author. In complete contrast to the Handbook's more conventional philosophical presentation, the Tablet is an allegory that shows progress to philosophical wisdom as a journey through a landscape inhabited by personifications of Happiness, Fortune, the Virtues and Vices. It is apparent that there are Stoic influences on this work, making it a fitting companion text to the Handbook of Epictetus. ISBN 9780415324526
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Epictetus' Handbook and the Tablet of Cebes: Guides to Stoic Living.

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