The following lot comprises of 4 engravings published by Gabriel Nikolaus Raspe, Nuremberg 1762.

1) 'Plan der grossen Canonade bey Amöneburg, zwischen den Französischen und Allürten Arméen'
Map of the Battle of Brücke-Mühle, Hesse, on 21st September (not the 27th) 1762, during the Seven Years' War, published in Raspe's 'Schau Platz des gegenwaertigen Kriegs' (Plates illustrating the Current Wars).
After their defeat at the Battle of Wilhemsthal the French invaded the castle of Amöneburg with a fierce bombardment which breached the walls.
It was on the third assault that the defenders ran out of ammunition and surrendered, for then being allowed to leave with the honours of war.
The Allies (including the British) managed to hold the 'Mill Bridge' over the river Ohm, so both sides claimed victory.

Blank Verso.
Sheet size: 24.5 x 39.5 cm.
Good overall condition (stitch holes in left margin).

2) 'Plan der Alürten Attacquen an der Fulda und Delogirung des Priz Xaverischen Corps den 23 Jul: Aº1762'
Map of the Battle of Lutterberg (Staufenberg in Saxony) on 23rd July 1762, during the Seven Years' War, published in Raspe's 'Schau Platz des gegenwaertigen Kriegs' (Plates illustrating the Current Wars).
After their defeat at the Battle of Wilhemsthal the French & Saxon armies retreated, but the Saxons were set upon by the Allied army as they tried to cross the River Fulda and were defeated.

Blank Verso.
Sheet size: 24.5 x 39 cm.
Excellent overall condition.

3) 'Plan der Bataille beÿ Reichenbach den 16. Aug. Aº 1762'
Map of the Battle of Reichenbach (now Dzierżoniów in Silesia, Poland), fought by the Austrians and Prussians during the Seven Years' War, published in Raspe's 'Schau Platz des gegenwaertigen Kriegs' (Plates illustrating the Current Wars).
The important Prussian base of Schweidnitz had been taken by the Austrians in 1761 and was now under siege by the Prussians.
When an Austrian army under Leopold Joseph von Daun attempted to relieve the town it was met by a Prussian force under the Duke of Bevern at Reichenbach and forced to retreat.

Blank Verso.
Sheet size: 24.5 x 39 cm.
Excellent overall condition.

4) 'Plan der Action bey Friedberg zwischen denen Franzosen u: Allürten den 20. August  Aº 1762'
Map of the Battle of Nauheim during the Seven Years' War, published in Raspe's 'Schau Platz des gegenwaertigen Kriegs' (Plates illustrating the Current Wars).
After their defeat at the Battle of Wilhemsthal on June 24, 1762, the French withdrew across the Fulda and dug in to a defensive position to wait for the Prince de Condé's army to join them.
Ferdinand, the Prince of Brunswick, moved the opposing Allied army to try to keep the two French armies apart.
This battle, was fought for control of the high ground at the Johannisberg. The allies had to withdraw after a considerable loss.

Blank Verso.
Sheet size:  24.5 x 39.5 cm.
Good overall condition (stitch holes in left margin).