Poe. Illustrated Tales of Mystery and Imagination. Illustr.: Jens Harder / u.a. Ed.: Robert Klanten u.a.

von Poe, Edgar Allan:

Poe, Edgar Allan:
Verlag / Jahr
Die Gestalten Verlag, 2006.
Format / Einband
191 Seiten; farb. Illustrationen; 24,5 cm; fadengeh., farb. illustr. Orig.-Pappband.
ca. 1100 g
Sehr gutes, nahezu neuwertiges Exemplar. - Englisch. - Mit zahlreichen farbigen Illustrationen - von Jens Harder; Dirk Rudolph; Jan Ray; Cheval Noir; Aaron Baggio; Jan Feindt; Mateo; Maria Tackmann; Samuel Casal; Hell; Lars Henkel; Vania / u.a.. - In this book, Edgar Allan Poe's dark tales and poems of mystery and imagination come to life through elaborate illustrations by contemporary visual artists from around the world. POE contains ten short stories including his celebrated masterpieces "The Pit and the Pendulum", "The Masque of the Red Death" and "The Black Cat" as well as poems including "The Raven" and "The Bell". This lavishly illustrated volume is sure to enthrall Poe's most rabid fan and arouse the interest of those who are reading Poe for the first time. (Verlagstext) // INHALT : MS. Found in a Bottle ------ The Raven ------ Hop-Frog ------ The Tell-Tale Heart ------ The Black Cat ------ The Conqueror Worm ------ The Oval Portrait ------ The Bells ------ The Pit and the Pendulum ------ The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade ------ The Masque of the Red Death ------ The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar ------ A Descent into the Maelstroem. ISBN 3899551591
Buchillustration; Bildende Kunst; amerikanische Literatur; Literaturgeschichte; Belletristik
Unser Preis
EUR 35,00
(inkl. MwSt.)
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Poe. Illustrated Tales of Mystery and Imagination. Illustr.: Jens Harder / u.a.

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