Sansom, I: The Case of the Missing Books (Mobile Library S)

von Sansom, Ian:

Sansom, Ian:
Auflage: UK ed.
Verlag / Jahr
Harper Collins Publ. UK, 06.02.2006.
Format / Einband
12,9 x 2,1 x 19,8 cm, Taschenbuch 336 Seiten
ca. 238 g
Fresh and clean copy in good condition. Frisches und sauberes Exemplar in gutem Zustand. "Introducing Israel Armstrong, one of literature's most unlikely detectives in the first of a series of novels from the author of the critically acclaimed Ring Road. Israel is an intelligent, shy, passionate, sensitive sort of soul: he's Jewish; he's a vegetarian; he could maybe do with losing a little weight. And he's just arrived in Ireland to take up his first post as a librarian. But the library's been shut down and Israel ends up stranded on the North Antrim coast driving an old mobile library. There's nice scenery, but 15,000 fewer books than there should be. Who on earth steals that many books? How? When would they have time to read them all? And is there anywhere in this godforsaken place where he can get a proper cappuccino and a decent newspaper? Israel wants answers…" ISBN 9780007206995
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Sansom, I: The Case of the Missing Books (Mobile Library S)

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