Patterns of Religion in Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: A Holistic Method of Comparison. [From: Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 66, 1973].

von Sanders, Ed Parish:

Sanders, Ed Parish:
Verlag / Jahr
Format / Einband
Reprint, stapled. pp. 455-478.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - With author's dedication to W. Haase. - Author's name underlined on cover, otherwise very good and clean. - From the text: There have been two principal ways of comparing Paul with Judaism, each of which has suffered from characteristic defects. One has been holistic in a certain sense. Taking “Paul” to be essentially represented by the doctrine of justification by faith and ' Judaism” to be essentially represented by works righteousness. many Christian scholars have understood Paul and Judaism as antithetical. The characteristic weakness of this sort of comparison is that Paul is oversimplified, Judaism is both oversimplified and misrepresented, and the comparison is made in order to show the superiority of Paul to Judaism. That is, such comparisons have generally been pejorative and biased. The other principal method has resulted in more of a genuine comparison. Instead of dealing with generalized essences, this approach concentrates on individual motifs. It may properly be called atomistic. although the term Motivsgeschichte might better describe the method? - Wikipedia: Ed Parish Sanders FBA (born 18 April 1937) is an American New Testament scholar and a principal proponent of the "New Perspective on Paul". He is a major scholar in the scholarship on the historical Jesus and contributed to the view that Jesus was part of a renewal movement within Judaism. He has been Arts and Sciences Professor of Religion at Duke University, North Carolina, since 1990. He retired in 2005.
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Patterns of Religion in Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: A Holistic Method of Comparison. [From: Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 66, 1973].

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