The Webster Plass Collection of African Art.

von Fagg, William:

Fagg, William:
2nd edition.
Verlag / Jahr
London : British Museum, 1977.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. Abb. Originalbroschur. 80 plates.
ca. 550 g
Einband leicht berieben und vergilbt. - The Department of Ethnography (The Museum of Mankind) of the British Museum has one of the finest collections of ethnographical material in the world. From amongst such riches Mr Fagg has selected 80 wooden figures of sculptural interest and quality to illustrate a choice of the best pieces in the genre from the Department’s very large collections. All these pieces are products of tribal society and the word ‘Image’ is used primarily in the concrete sense of a representation of the human form. The tribal artists who produced these magnificent pieces cannot be expected to conform to our Western ideas of rigidly three-dimensional co-ordinates, and to be able to survey their individual attitudes to the human form over so wide a geographical area will come as a surprise to many people. Mr Fagg has made his selection of pieces from the areas of the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania, thereby ensuring the widest possible coverage in his presentation and commentary on the objects. ISBN 0714115096
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EUR 33,00
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The Webster Plass Collection of African Art.

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