Sophocles' tragedies on the contemporary stage: one of the many stories which have determined our Western cultural identity. [From: Sófocles: XXV centenário do nascimento, Actas de Colóquio].

von Decreus, Freddy:

Decreus, Freddy:
Verlag / Jahr
Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Clássicos, 2005.
Format / Einband
reprint, stapled. pp. 65-74.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - A very good and clean copy. - From the text: Why we are still interested in Sophocles today? Is it just the done thing to recall some of his works, or are we really concerned? Does the spirit of Sophocles still touch us today, has it something to say to this technological, late-capitalist society, an apparently very wealthy and happy era, but definitely disturbed by neurosis, depression and individualism? It is clear that a celebration of Sophocles (or any other artist), in terms of commemorating traditional high standards, is not a very useful perspective. It might be appropriate to remember that, in a Brechtian way, most contemporary producers ‘use’ Sophocles in order to get to know themselves, ourselves, our position in the world, our identity, in order to make statements about that contradictory and complicated human being we are. As Eleni Varopoulou has said: «The concept of (Brechtian) ‘usage’ of the tragic texts has frequently been opposed to the concept of their ‘revival’, which was promoted in Greece, declaring at once the restoration of a national poetic heritage and the steady recourse to certain models of presentation, in order to validate an authentic manner of staging, undisturbed from the distant past to the present day. Ultimately, ‘usage’ means an interpretative and staging process which, independent of its more specific procedures, reveals a dialectical posture and not an axiomatic standpoint towards Greek classical dramaturgy».
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Sophocles' tragedies on the contemporary stage: one of the many stories which have determined our Western cultural identity. [From: Sófocles: XXV centenário do nascimento, Actas de Colóquio].

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