Excavations at Sarachane in Istanbul: First preliminary report. [From: Dumbarton Oaks Papers, No. 19].

von Harrison, R. Martin and Nezih Firatli:

Harrison, R. Martin and Nezih Firatli:
Verlag / Jahr
Washington (DC): The Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, Trustees for Harvard University, [1965].
Format / Einband
Offprint, stapled. pp. 230-236, 3 fig. in text, 13 fig. on pl.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kleiss, long-time director of the Tehran branch of the German Archaeological Institute. - With dedication by the author R. M. Harrison. - Binding a bit rubbed, otherwise good and very clean. - From the text: In 1960 grading operations at Saraçhane in Istanbul uncovered a large number of richly carved architectural blocks. These were shown to have come from the hitherto unidentified church of St. Polyeuktos, which was built in this area by Anicia Juliana, probably in a.d. 524-7.1 The archaeological importance of this discovery was quickly appreciated, and the open site where the blocks had been found was laid out as public gardens pending systematic excavation.
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Excavations at Sarachane in Istanbul: First preliminary report. [From: Dumbarton Oaks Papers, No. 19].

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