Competition in the Ancient World.

von Fisher, Nick and Hans van Wees (eds.):

Fisher, Nick and Hans van Wees (eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
Swansea : The Classical Press of Wales, 2011.
Format / Einband
Original hardcover with dust jacket. XI, 308 p.
ca. 693 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Slightly rubbed jacket, otherwise very good. / Leicht beriebener Umschlag, sonst sehr gut. - CONTENTS: Part 1: COMPETITION IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE - Rivalry in history: an introduction (Hans van Wees (UCL)) - Fame and prizes: competition and war in the Neo-Assyrian empire (Karen Radner (UCL)) - Levels and strategies of competition in the Aztec Empire (Frances F. Berdan (CSU San Bernardino)) -- Part 2: COMPETITION IN GREECE - Ancient Greek competition — a modern construct? (Christoph Ulf (Innsbruck)) - Conflict and community in the Iliad (William Allan (Oxford) and Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh)) - Peer-polity interaction and cultural competition in sixth-century Greece (Sara Forsdyke (Michigan)) - Competitive delights: the social effects of the expanded programme of contests in post-Kleisthenic Athens (Nick Fisher (Cardiff)) -- Part 3: COMPETITION IN ROME - Lottery and elections: containing elite competition in Venice and Rome (Henrik Mouritsen (KCL)) - Keeping up with the Joneses: competitive display within the Roman villa landscape (Hannah Platts (KCL)) - Competitiveness and anti-competitiveness in Philostratus’ Lives of the Sophists (Jason Konig (St Andrews)). ISBN 9781905125487
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