A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. With a Foreword by Anna Quindlen.

von Smith, Betty:

Smith, Betty:
Verlag / Jahr
New York a.o. : Harper Perennial, 2005.
Format / Einband
Original softcover. XI, 493, 16 p.
ca. 550 g
From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Slight staining on bottom edge, otherwise very good. / Leichte Anschmutzung auf Fußschnitt, sonst sehr gut. - As much as any other beloved book in the canon, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn illustrates the limitations of plot description. In its nearly five hundred pages, nothing much happens. Of course that’s not really accurate: Everything that can happen in life happens, from birth and death to marriage and bigamy. But those things happen in the slow, sure, meandering way that they happen in the slow, sure, meandering river of real existence, not as the clanking “and then” that lends itself easily to event synopsis. If, afterwards, someone asked, “What is the book about?”—surely one of the most irritating and reductionist questions in the world for reader and writer alike—you would not say, well, it’s about the pedophile who grabs a little girl in the hall, or about the time a man went on a bender and lost his job, or about a woman who works as the janitor in a series of tenement buildings. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is not the sort of book that can be reduced to its plot line. The best anyone can say is that it is a story about what it means to be human. - Betty Smith (1896-1972) was born Elisabeth Wehner on the same date as, although five years earlier than, her fictional heroine Francie Nolan. The daughter of German immigrants, she grew up poor in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, the very world she re-created with such meticulous detail in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. She is also the author of Tomorrow Will Be Better, Maggie-Now, and Joy in the Morning.
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